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National QR Code Standard for Payments

tarusQR is the National QR Code Standard for Payments in Brunei Darussalam, managed by ndpx, in consultation with the financial industry. It ensures that QR codes issued within the country follow a specified standard which is readable by all participating banks and e-wallet providers, enabling interoperability in QR payments.

Key benefits include:

  • Improved Customer Reach: payees are not limited to a single payment service provider or platform.
  • Convenience: payers can scan QR codes effortlessly without switching between multiple applications.
  • Improved Transparency: both payers and payees receive instant notifications once a payment is successfully processed.

tarusQR is currently in a pilot phase, allowing select users to test its scanning and generation features for both sending and receiving payments. Once this phase is successfully completed, tarusQR will be available for public use.

tarusQR will be available in the near future. Stay tuned for updates.

How to pay with tarusQR?

Step 1
Launch your preferred bank or e-wallet application.
Step 2
Scan merchant’s tarusQR.
Step 3
Confirm payment details and pay.
Step 4
A notification will pop up confirming that the transfer has been successful.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is tarusQR?
How does tarusQR differ from existing QR payments offered by banks and e-wallet providers?
How do I register for a tarusQR as a merchant?
Where will I find the tarusQR code?
Do I need to register to make payments through tarusQR?
Is there a limit for tarusQR payments?

Dispute or Request for Refund

How do I dispute or request for a refund from a merchant if I pay using tarusQR?

Is there a time limit for which I can dispute or request for a refund?

Will products or services purchased via tarusQR cost more than cash payments?